Dynamic energy contracts for individuals

Elk gezin heeft een uniek energieverbruiksprofiel, afhankelijk van de gezinssamenstelling, levensstijl en gewoonten. Every family has a unique energy consumption profile, depending on family composition, lifestyle and habits. Yet it turns out that we often need energy at the same time, which can overload the grid. Therefore, it is advisable to consume more during off-peak hours and less during peak hours. With dynamic energy contracts for residential customers, you take advantage of this.

What are dynamic energy contracts for individuals?

Dynamic contracts adjust to fluctuating prices, with lower tariffs during off-peak hours and higher tariffs during peak hours. The goal is simple: more consumption during off-peak hours, less during peak hours.

What are the benefits of dynamic energy contracts for individuals?

1. Cost savings

You can adjust your energy use by using heavy electrical appliances, such as washing machine and dryer, during off-peak hours. If you are not at home during off-peak hours, you can, for example, use a timer on your appliances. A small shift in behaviour thus results in significant savings thanks to tariffs that adjust to peak and off-peak hours.

2. Efficient energy management combined with solar panels and battery

Even smarter is the combination of dynamic energy contracts with solar panels and a home battery. This way, you produce your own energy and store the surplus during off-peak hours in a home battery to use during peak hours.

3. Increasing efficiency

Combining dynamic contracts, battery storage and solar power significantly increases the efficiency of each component. It also reduces the payback period of your installation.

4. Energy independence

5. Overcapacity battery

When solar power production is low, we have excess battery capacity. With smart control combined with your battery, you can get extra efficiency from your battery and benefit financially.

FlexiO box

The FlexiO box is an example of such a smart control. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), your box learns what your habits are and thus when you need a lot of energy and also when you do not. The combination with a dynamic contract ensures optimal use of your home battery. The available capacity is used, for example, to recharge your battery with grid power when prices are negative.

Bart Vermeersch - Solled

Rely on our expertise

Our experts are ready to guide you through the world of dynamic residential energy contracts. After all, a lot depends on the local energy market, tariff structures and your consumption pattern. They will be happy to visit you to discuss your options and find the ideal solution to suit your specific needs.

Get in touch today and find out how to make the most of dynamic residential energy contracts.

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Current dynamic energy prices vary daily and even hourly. Prices are set every day at 1pm for the following day. You can usually view these prices via your energy supplier’s app or website.

A dynamic energy contract can be beneficial if you are flexible in your energy consumption and can take advantage of lower tariffs during off-peak hours. However, it is important to consider the possible fluctuations in energy prices.

A dynamic energy contract can be beneficial if you are flexible in your energy consumption and can take advantage of lower tariffs during off-peak hours. However, it is important to consider the possible fluctuations in energy prices.

Dynamic energy prices vary hourly. Prices are fixed every day at 1pm for the following

Since you will be buying and selling power by quarter-hourly value, you need a digital counter to measure this. So with an analogue meter, you cannot yet have a dynamic contract.