Solar panels for individuals

At Solled, sustainability and savings go hand in hand. The decision to switch to solar panels is a big step. You undoubtedly have a lot of questions about efficiency, the digital counter, cost and technical requirements. We are here to guide you on your journey to a greener and cost-efficient future.

Why choose solar panels?

1. Cost savings

Traditional energy prices can fluctuate. With solar panels, you take control of your energy production, making you less dependent on external price fluctuations.

2. Instant benefit

You already benefit from your solar panels immediately after installation. Your energy meter will count less and you will experience the benefits of renewable energy.

3. Sustainable energy

Investing in solar panels is not just a financial consideration; it is also an investment in a sustainable future. You contribute to a reduced carbon footprint and help create a cleaner planet for future generations.

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Your solar panels by SOLLED

Our team of experts will soon have 20 years of experience and understand that every family has unique needs. We therefore offer a personalised approach and create a tailor-made solution to suit your specific situation and needs.
We are happy to come on site to see the situation, in order to give you appropriate advice.

Make an appointment for a no-obligation consultation where we will answer all your questions and then provide you with a tailor-made quote. Make the smart choice today and discover how solar panels are an investment in your future and that of the planet.

Our realisations

See what we did for other clients and how we provided a tailor-made solution for them.

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Do you have a question?

You will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here. Is your question not listed here? Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help. Is your question not listed here?
Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

If you have an annual consumption of 3500 kWh, we will install a production of 4200 kWh. The extra 20% of solar panels gives your installation a better and higher efficiency. Our specialist can make an accurate calculation based on your specific

In most cases, you do not need special permission to install solar panels, unless you live in a conservation area or own a listed building. Always check local regulations to be sure.

Solar panels remain a smart investment. They reduce your energy costs, increase the value of your home and contribute to a sustainable future. With rising energy prices and continuous technological improvements, solar panels remain a cost-effective choice.

From 2024, there will be no more subsidies for solar panels. This is also positive news, as it means that the investment is also profitable without them. This only has a limited impact on the payback period.

Yes, solar panels make sense even with the digital meter. The payback period may be slightly longer, but you will still save on your energy bills and contribute to a more sustainable world. Moreover, there are other ways to get the most out of your solar panels, such as using a home battery.