Energy parts

Imagine that you have solar panels on your commercial building producing more energy than your business is currently consuming. It is quarter to three in the afternoon, and the solar panels are operating at full capacity. The surplus energy is now virtually shared with another location, e.g. your shop, other establishment or home, which is currently short of energy. We would be happy to help you explore energy-sharing options.

What is energy sharing?

Energy sharing is sharing the surplus energy produced from your solar panels with others. You can share the self-generated energy with other locations, partners, or businesses in the same building, or just use it yourself.

In a world of sustainability, energy sharing offers a smart and efficient way to harness renewable energy where it is needed most. It is not only a financially beneficial step, but also one that reinforces your contribution to a greener future.

What are the benefits of energy sharing?

1. Cost savings

You can use the surplus energy generated to make up the shortfall at another location. This results in significant cost savings on purchasing additional energy.

2. Reducing ecological footprint:

By sharing surplus generated energy and using it in locations where it is needed, you help reduce the ecological footprint. It maximises the efficiency of the renewable energy generated.

3. Flexibility

Energy sharing is not limited to one-to-one situations, but can also be done with multiple players at the same time, making it a scalable solution for different business environments.

Bart Vermeersch - Solled

Rely on our expertise

Are you ready to experience the benefits of energy sharing? We are happy to give you a detailed explanation, based on more than 15 years of experience and expertise. Find out how this innovative system can be integrated into your business and beat the path to a sustainable and energy-efficient future.

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Energy sharing can lead to lower energy costs because you can share the energy you produce with others in your community. This can be especially beneficial if you generate more energy than you use yourself.

Energy sharing works by sharing the energy you generate and do not use yourself with other users within the same community. This can be done through a local energy cooperative or through an energy company offering such services.

The cost of energy shares can vary depending on the service provider and the specific terms of the programme. It is important to compare different options to find the best deal.